Music And Mathematics

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At the start of my graduate school experience, I developed a special interest in researching the link between music and mathematics. The study I conducted and have included below was completed while attending the University of New Hampshire and is entitled, Pythagoras: The Father of Music (and Mathematics). It recounts the history and analyzes the mathematical construction of the diatonic scale.

Later, I supplemented the study with an excel chart to detail the historical and mathematical progression of the diatonic scale. The study received recognition by students and professors after I hosted various presentations and guest lectures at the University. More recently, I gained further interest in using the link between music and mathematics as a tool for instruction.

I. Pythagoras: The Father of Music (and Mathematics) - Introduction (download here)

II. Pythagoras: The Father of Music (and Mathematics) Email to request

III. Pythagoras: The Father of Music (and Mathematics) - References (download here)

IV. Pythagoras: The Father of Music (and Mathematics) - Diatonic Scale Construct Email to request